09. 05. 2014. - Organ Interpretation Masterclass with prof. Hans Fagius at the Great Organ of St Mark's Church, Zagreb
Prof. Hans Fagius will be giving organ recital at the Great Organ of St Mark's Church on 9th of May, 2014. Same day, there will be special opportunity to take part in Organ Interpretation Masterclass with prof. Hans Fagius; it will take place at the new Eisenbarth organ at St Mark's Church - place is limited: 6 active participants max. - one-day masterclass (6 hours long). Please send your application to: [email protected] before 29. 04. 2014.
Hans Fagius CV
Hans Fagius (Norrköping/Sweden, 1951), has for many years been one of the most active organ recitalists in Sweden. He received his basic education with Bengt Berg, and at the Stockholm College of Music with Professor Alf Linder. In 1974-75 he continued his studies in Paris with the famous organist and composer Maurice Duruflé. His concert career began after getting prices at international competitions in Leipzig (1972) and Stockholm (1973). Besides the many recitals he regularly plays in Europe, he has toured North America, Australia, South Korea and Japan. Although he is basically concentrated on early music and music from the romantic period, his repertoire spans music of all epochs. Something of a specialty has been the presentation of series of concerts that feature the complete organ works of a single composer. Such series have included the complete works of J. S. Bach (3 times, the latest took place during 2007), Buxtehude, Franck, Alain, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Duruflé and the complete symphonies by Vierne. His numerous successful recordings, include not only complete organ works of J. S. Bach, but also a broad spectrum of music from the romantic period like Liszt, Widor, Saint-Saëns, Karg-Elert or Duruflé. He has also written a handbook about the organ works of J. S. Bach that was published in 2010. He was appointed organ professor at Royal Danish Academy of Music in 1989 after several years as organ teacher at the Colleges of Music in Stockholm and Gothenburg. He is a sought-after teacher for masterclasses, and is frequently a jury member at international organ competitions all over the world. He was elected a member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Music in 1998.
Hans Fagius (Norrköping/Švedska, 1951.) dugi je niz godina jedan od najaktivnijih koncertnih orguljaša u Švedskoj. Orgulje uči kod Bengta Berga, te Alfa Lindera na Glazbenoj školi u Stockholmu. Studij nastavlja u Parizu kod poznatog orguljaša i skladatelja Mauricea Durufléa (1974/1975). Koncertnu karijeru započeo je osvajanjem nagrada na međunarodnim natjecanjima u Leipzigu (1972.) i Stockholmu (1973.). Osim brojnih recitala u Europi, redovno održava turneje po Sjevernoj Americi, Australiji, Južnoj Koreji i Japanu. Iako je u osnovi koncentriran na ranu glazbu i glazbu romantizma, njegov repertoar obuhvaća glazbu svih epoha. Specijalnost mu je predstavljanje niza koncerata koji uključuju kompletna orguljska djela pojedinih skladatelja. Tako je tri puta izveo čitav orguljski opus J. S. Bacha (posljednji put 2007.g.), Buxtehudea, Francka, Alaina, Mendelssohna, Brahmsa, Durufléa, te svih 6 simfonija L. Viernea. Brojne uspješne snimke uključuju ne samo sva djela za orgulje J. S. Bacha, već i široki spektar glazbe iz razdoblja romantizma (Liszt, Widor, Saint- Saëns, Karg-Elert, Duruflé). Autor je knjige o orguljskim djelima Johanna Sebastiana Bacha (2010.). Imenovan je profesorom orgulja na Kraljevskoj danskoj glazbenoj akademiji 1989.g., nakon što je nekoliko godina djelovao kao profesor orgulja na fakultetima za glazbu u Stockholmu i Gothenburgu. Često održava seminare majstorske interpretacije i redoviti je član žirija međunarodnih orguljaških natjecanja diljem svijeta. Za člana Švedske kraljevske akademije za glazbu izabran je 1998.g.
Hans Fagius CV
Hans Fagius (Norrköping/Sweden, 1951), has for many years been one of the most active organ recitalists in Sweden. He received his basic education with Bengt Berg, and at the Stockholm College of Music with Professor Alf Linder. In 1974-75 he continued his studies in Paris with the famous organist and composer Maurice Duruflé. His concert career began after getting prices at international competitions in Leipzig (1972) and Stockholm (1973). Besides the many recitals he regularly plays in Europe, he has toured North America, Australia, South Korea and Japan. Although he is basically concentrated on early music and music from the romantic period, his repertoire spans music of all epochs. Something of a specialty has been the presentation of series of concerts that feature the complete organ works of a single composer. Such series have included the complete works of J. S. Bach (3 times, the latest took place during 2007), Buxtehude, Franck, Alain, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Duruflé and the complete symphonies by Vierne. His numerous successful recordings, include not only complete organ works of J. S. Bach, but also a broad spectrum of music from the romantic period like Liszt, Widor, Saint-Saëns, Karg-Elert or Duruflé. He has also written a handbook about the organ works of J. S. Bach that was published in 2010. He was appointed organ professor at Royal Danish Academy of Music in 1989 after several years as organ teacher at the Colleges of Music in Stockholm and Gothenburg. He is a sought-after teacher for masterclasses, and is frequently a jury member at international organ competitions all over the world. He was elected a member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Music in 1998.
Hans Fagius (Norrköping/Švedska, 1951.) dugi je niz godina jedan od najaktivnijih koncertnih orguljaša u Švedskoj. Orgulje uči kod Bengta Berga, te Alfa Lindera na Glazbenoj školi u Stockholmu. Studij nastavlja u Parizu kod poznatog orguljaša i skladatelja Mauricea Durufléa (1974/1975). Koncertnu karijeru započeo je osvajanjem nagrada na međunarodnim natjecanjima u Leipzigu (1972.) i Stockholmu (1973.). Osim brojnih recitala u Europi, redovno održava turneje po Sjevernoj Americi, Australiji, Južnoj Koreji i Japanu. Iako je u osnovi koncentriran na ranu glazbu i glazbu romantizma, njegov repertoar obuhvaća glazbu svih epoha. Specijalnost mu je predstavljanje niza koncerata koji uključuju kompletna orguljska djela pojedinih skladatelja. Tako je tri puta izveo čitav orguljski opus J. S. Bacha (posljednji put 2007.g.), Buxtehudea, Francka, Alaina, Mendelssohna, Brahmsa, Durufléa, te svih 6 simfonija L. Viernea. Brojne uspješne snimke uključuju ne samo sva djela za orgulje J. S. Bacha, već i široki spektar glazbe iz razdoblja romantizma (Liszt, Widor, Saint- Saëns, Karg-Elert, Duruflé). Autor je knjige o orguljskim djelima Johanna Sebastiana Bacha (2010.). Imenovan je profesorom orgulja na Kraljevskoj danskoj glazbenoj akademiji 1989.g., nakon što je nekoliko godina djelovao kao profesor orgulja na fakultetima za glazbu u Stockholmu i Gothenburgu. Često održava seminare majstorske interpretacije i redoviti je član žirija međunarodnih orguljaških natjecanja diljem svijeta. Za člana Švedske kraljevske akademije za glazbu izabran je 1998.g.