International Organ Concert Series @ St. Mark's Church 2014
02. 07. - Josipa Leko (Croatia), Zagreb/Leipzig
02. 07. - Josipa Leko (Croatia), Zagreb/Leipzig
Josipa Leko (Split, 1990) has won several awards at the national competitions of organ students. She began studying organ in Split with prof. Erma Sotirova, and continued organ studies in Zagreb (Prof. Ljerka Očić) and Leipzig (Prof. Stefan Engels). She participated in numerous masterclasses of organ interpretation, working with renowned pedagogues (R. Bauer, A. Zylberajch, Ch. Bossert, T. Sevšek, D. Miklavčić). In 2013 she participated in the International Organ Academy in Stuttgart where she studied with distinguished organists Bernhard Haas, Jon Laukvik and Ludger Lohmann. She received Erasmus scholarship for the organ study at Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy High Music School in Leipzig, where she studied Master degree in Organ with Prof. Stefan Engels.
Josipa Leko (Split, 1990.) osvojila je više nagrada na državnim glazbenim natjecanjima orguljaša u organizaciji HDGPP-a. Orgulje započinje učiti u Splitu u klasi prof. Erme Sotirove, te nastavlja studij orgulja u Zagrebu (prof. Ljerka Očić) i Leipzigu (prof. Stefan Engels). Polazi brojne seminare majstorske interpretacije kod uglednih pedagoga (R. Bauer, A. Zylberajch, Ch. Bossert, T. Sevšek, D. Miklavčić), a 2013. g. boravi na Međunarodnoj orguljskoj akademiji u Stuttgartu gdje se usavršava kod uglednih orguljaša B. Haasa, J. Laukvika i L. Lohmanna. Dobitnica je stipendije Erasmus za studijski boravak u Leipzigu na Visokoj školi za glazbu Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, gdje je magistrirala u klasi prof. Stefana Engelsa. |
Dieterich Buxtehude 1637-1707 Passacaglia u d-molu, BuxWV 161 Passacaglia in D minor, BuxWV 161 Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 Passacaglia u c-molu, BWV 582 Passacaglia in C minor, BWV 582 Sigfrid Karg-Elert 1877-1933 Passacaglia u es-molu, op.25b Passacaglia in E flat Minor, op.25b Marcel Dupré 1886–1971 Variations sur un Noël, op.20 |