International Organ Concert Series @ St. Mark's Church 2014
12. 03. - Ante Knešaurek (Croatia), Titular Organist of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Zagreb
In memoriam Neven Valent
12. 03. - Ante Knešaurek (Croatia), Titular Organist of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Zagreb
In memoriam Neven Valent
Ante Knešaurek (Zagreb, 1978) is one of the most prominent artists of the Croatian organ scene. Often pointed out by critics for its excellent interpretations and improvisations, he is one of the few Croatian organists who is actively involved in the organ improvisation, continuing the tradition of Croatian composers, organists and improvisers like Franjo Dugan and Anđelko Klobučar. He is an associate professor of composition at the Music Academy in Zagreb and chief organist of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Zagreb. At the Music Academy in Zagreb he studied organ (Mario Penzar) and composition (Marko Ruždjak), followed by Master in organ. He continued postgraduate organ interpretation and improvisation studies in Detmold (Norbert Düchtel) and Graz (Gunter Rost). He also studied organ improvisation with Anđelko Klobučar, and his teachers include Daniel Roth, Ludger Lohmann, Almut Rößler and Michael Gaillit. He performs often at festivals in Croatia, Europe and Russia, regularly collaborates with various soloists and ensembles, and he recorded for Croatian Radio. He has won several important awards: Darko Lukić Award for Best Croatian Young Musician (2005), the Award for polyphonic improvisation at The International Organ Competition Felix Mendelssohn - Bartholdy in Leipzig (1999). Most recently, he was awarded with two most distinguished national prizes (Milka Trnina Award, City of Zagreb Award) for the performance of J. S. Bach's complete organ works together with organist Pavao Mašić, part of which has been documented and released on their new CD 100% BACH in 2013.
Ante Knešaurek (Zagreb, 1978.) jedan je od najistaknutijih umjetnika na hrvatskoj orguljaškoj sceni. Često istican od strane kritike po svojim vrsnim interpretacijama i improvizacijama, jedan je od rijetkih hrvatskih orguljaša koji se aktivno bavi orguljskom improvizacijom, nastavljajući tako tradiciju hrvatskih skladatelja, orguljaša i improvizatora poput Franje Dugana i Anđelka Klobučara. Izvanredni je profesor na katedri za kompoziciju pri Muzičkoj akademiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, te glavni orguljaš Bazilike Srca Isusova u Zagrebu. Na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu diplomirao je orgulje (Mario Penzar) i kompoziciju (Marko Ruždjak), a nakon magisterija orgulja u Zagrebu nastavlja poslijediplomske studije orguljske interpretacije i improvizacije u Detmoldu (Norbert Düchtel) i Grazu (Gunter Rost). Orguljsku improvizaciju također studira s Anđelkom Klobučarom, a među njegove učitelje ubrajaju se i Daniel Roth, Ludger Lohmann, Almut Rößler i Michael Gaillit. Uz bogatu solističku koncertnu djelatnost na festivalima u Hrvatskoj, Europi i Rusiji, redovito surađuje s raznim solistima i ansamblima, te snima za HRT. Dobitnik je niza važnih nagrada: Nagrada Darko Lukić za najboljeg hrvatskog mladog glazbenika u 2005.g., nagrada za polifonu improvizaciju na međunarodnom natjecanju orguljske improvizacije Felix Mendelssohn – Bartholdy u Leipzigu (1999.). Od posljednjih uspjeha ističu se dvije nacionalne nagrade Milka Trnina, Nagrada grada Zagreba (2013.) za integralnu izvedbu orguljskog opusa J. S. Bacha zajedno s orguljašem Pavlom Mašićem, dio kojega je objavljen na njihovom novom albumu 100% BACH. |
Marcel Dupré 1886–1971 Preludij i fuga u f-molu, op.7/2 Prelude & Fugue in F Minor, op.7/2 Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 Aria u F-duru, BWV 587 Aria in F Major, BWV 587 Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, BWV 680 Marcel Dupré 1886–1971 Dvije meditacije, op.61 Two Meditations, op.61 Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 Preludij i fuga u e-molu, BWV 548 Prelude & Fugue in E Minor, BWV 548 Max Reger 1873-1916 Melodia, op. 129/4 Ante Knešaurek 1978- Improvizacija na Lumen Christi (Svjetlo Kristovo) Improvisation on Gregorian Chant (Lumen Christi) |